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2004-10-05 21:55:25
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The Gods and Goddesses of Rome

-If you choose to play one major god, you can only choose another minor god...You cannot be more than one major god or minor god!

Major Gods

Jupiter (Zeus): [Emporer Sensi]
Lord of the sky, Gods, and thunder, the rain god and cloud gatherer, has enormous power and almost absolute power, brother and husband of Juno
Juno (Hera): [Davorah]
Protector of marriage, wife and sister of Jupiter,
Venus (Aphrodite):[§pitfire]
Goddess of love and beauty
Mars (Ares):[Raiff]
God of war, had a wife named Nerio
Diana (Artemis):[Kit Azhure]
Goddess of wild things, chief of hunters, helps women, protects children, twin of Apollo
Minerva (Athena):[SapphireDragon]
Goddess of the city, education, science and war, always protects the heroes of Rome, never associates herself with the sexual interests of gods
Ceres (Demeter): [Elfpirate]
goddess of the earth, corn and harvest, very vital to Roman society
Pluto (Hades):[Aconite]
God of the underworld and precious metals
Vulcan (Hephaistos): [Elvómir]
God of the forge and fire, workman to the immortals
Mercury (Hermes): [thestranger]
God of commerce and market, messenger to Jupiter/Zeus
Vesta (Hestia): [Delladreing]
Goddess of the hearth and home
Saturn (Kronos): [Sunny Silverunicorn]
protector of the sowers and the seed, was originally the Greek Kronos but was transformed, brought on a golden age in Latium with his knowledge in agriculture
Proserpina (Persophone):[Kaye]
Goddess of spring
Neptune (Poseidon): [Firewielder]
God of the sea, earthquakes, often involves himself in love affairs as much as he causes trouble on sea
Apollo: [DeadHead]
God of sun, truth, music and healing

Minor Gods

Lucifer (Phosphor): [ShiftySkillet]
Light bearer, star that brings in the day
Discordia (Eris): [thestranger]
Goddess of GREEK mythology, she was the one that tossed the golden apple to the three goddesses, leading to Paris' decision, then to Helen's kidnap, and then the Trojan she does ALOT of mayhem..hehe
Cupid (Eros): [DeadHead]
God of love, song of Venus, associates alot with Venus, often depicted as a child with wings, but can take any human form he wishes. Past love with a human female named Psyche
Aurora (Eos):[Pnelma Tirian]
Goddess of dawn
Aesculapius (Asklepios):[Gunslinger]
God of health and medicine
Sol (Helios):[SapphireDragon]
God of the sun
Somnus (Hypnos):
God of sleep
Faunus (Pan): [this user is dead] yes this is me i rule all muahahahahahahahaha
God of flock, sheep, fond of music and a symbol to all things having to do with nature, likes to chase or play with nymphs, gets scared easily
Fortuna (Tyche): [Davorah]
Goddess of chance
Victoria (Nike):[Aconite]
Goddess of victory
Trivia (Hecate):[Kaye]
Goddess of the crossways, magic, and the dark side of the moon
Suadela (Peitha):[superbazorro]
Goddess of persuasion
Luna (Selene):[Kit Azhure]
Goddess of the moon
Bacchus (Dionysus):[~The Virus~]
God of the vine, wine and merriment, mysteries
Libitina: [Delladreing]
Goddess of the underworld
Bellona (Enyo):[faeriebard13]
Lesser goddess of war, associated often with Mars
Juventus: [Elvómir]
God of youth
Terminus: [zinny]
Guardian of boundaries
God of good beginnings,gates, the first month of the year is named after him, he is thought to have two faces, one facing forward and the other facing the other way, just like how a gate has two sides
Goddess of pleasure: [Elfpirate]
Fides: [SAHS]
Goddess of honesty
Liber:[Lady Darkness]
Goddess of fertility, asociates with Bacchus
Pomona: [Sunny Silverunicorn]
Goddess of fertility and fruit, she was a wood nymph; a Hamadryad. She makes sure those she favors never has an empty fountain, she is loved by many fauns and satyrs such as Sylvanus and Pan
1 of the 9 muses[*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]her perticaler art i that she promotes is art(drawing and writeing)
Syth (couldn't come up with a roman name) [Dryad]
daughter of Persephone and Pluto, represents...something.

Back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: hey! could I be aurora?

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: yes! u can! hehe

2004-02-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: yay! :D

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: yay! u joined!

2004-02-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: yup! :D

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: yayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: hmmm, should i open more slots for more gods/goddesses? there r others....very very minor ones...

2004-02-03 [Elfpirate]: maybe, hmmmmmmmm

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: i think u might have to...

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: someone be zeus!!! we need a head god!!! come on ppl the more the merrier...(why can't it be the more the funner?)

2004-02-04 [cheesemonkey]: 'cause funner isnt a word, doofus

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: so? why does that matter...cheese head

2004-02-04 [cheesemonkey]: it matters because no one says the more the funner

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: i do! hehe...but then again i also say runned and retardified

2004-02-04 [test_drive]: ok, ima add more gods n goddesses

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: YEY!

2004-02-04 [test_drive]: i couldnt find any god of dark or anything...they were all goddesses...

2004-02-04 [superbazorro]: aww....poor jiji

2004-02-04 [§pitfire]: ohh! ohh!! lmao. I wanna be Voluptas

2004-02-04 [test_drive]: hehehe..ur more than welcome to! lol

2004-02-04 [thestranger]: Hmmm i didn't realise there were so many ^^

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